Wednesday, 22 September 2010

This Years Coursework Objectives

For this years coursework I have set myself ten objectives to fulfill throughout the year:
  1. I will be more creative when coming up with an idea.
  2. I will try and develop ideas as far as possible.
  3. I will take into account my research when creating the piece of work.
  4. I will take into account other people's advice and input when asked.
  5. I will put more effort into the planning and research on my blog.
  6. I will look into my subject area as far as I possibly can before filming.
  7. I will try out more creative camera angles when shooting.
  8. I will only use people who I think are good for the part needed.
  9. I will put my time outside of sixth from to good use when filming.
  10. I will not take any decisions relating to the final product lightly.

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