Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Ancillary Task (Newspaper Advert) Development Two

Continuing from my previous post, I then needed to decide what kind of font would best fit the mood of the advert. It not only needed to be one that fitted in with the younger target audience, but also needed to have some relevence to the themes of the documentary. To begin with I thought that some graffiti style fonts would fit in well with this line of thought:

However, after searching through many different kinds i decided not to proceed with using this kind of font. This was for two reasons. Firstly, although the fonts did fit with the younger audience feeling, I do not believe that they have as serious a feeling as the documentary would want them too. The second reason I chose to reject these fonts was that I personally found them pretty hard to read sometimes and obviously this may lead to others being put off of the program because of it. I began to look through other fonts after rejecting these to see if I could find any others that would fit in well with both the feeling of the advert and the programme. Below are some of the examples that I found:


I thought that these fonts were much more in line with the feeling that I wanted to put across in the documentary. Because they are all much more blocky fonts than those that are graffiti styled they are much easier to read, although they still have the same modern style which means that they will still fit in well with my young target audience. Out of these fonts I decided to use the second one down for my advert. This is because it is probably the most simple of the fonts although it still has an edge to it. I do not want the font to overtake the image in the advert in it's appeal which I feel some of the more decorative fonts may do. I feel the chosen font will enhance the image rather than take any of the edge away from it.

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