Above is the piece of work that I am submitting as my second ancillary task. This is a double page magazine spread that it used to engage the interest of the audience.
From my research, generally double page spreads are split into having the text and the title of the product on one side, and having a picture (usually a human) on the other. I have also adopted this style for my ancillary task.
I have used quite strong images, with a strong black and white presence coming from the figure on the right, and also a lot of red has been used to give it more tension. It can be used to symbolised blood and violence which will shock and draw peoples interest. I have also included the Greek flag in the background. This can can provide either a more peaceful balance to the page by providing a hit of blue, but can also be seen as quite menacing due to the patriotic way it is put together.
I have used the same title that I have done in the newspaper advert to provide continuity throughout the project. However, instead of leaving the background behind it blank like I did on the newspaper advert, I have decided to mix in a blend of grey and red again to make it look a lot more sinister.
I have also included the same slogan as was on the newspaper advert at the bottom of this double page spread. I have however put in a plain background for this,